boiled Eggs are bitchass motherfuckers. Ok ok real announcement.
I wanna takeover newgrounds with eggs on November 3rd this year. Why that year? Cuz I pulled it out of my ass. Why eggs? Cuz I’m bored and wanna make newgrounds more fun I guess.
On November 3rd. We draw an egg for the egg lord shit emo stuff edgy shadow Buttface. We draw an egg on November 3rd and Tom fulp will be replaced with an egg.
Now if Tom Fulp sees this uhhh ummm hi Tom. You don’t mind if some eggs takeover right? I’m a good person I swear :<
anyways draw an egg on November 3rd and the link is the plan shit forum.
I wanna be unbored, so if this flops I’ll turn into an egg. Have a nic-
what? What’s a robot takeover? Meh robots can wait 3 more years